Category :
1. Politics & Economics
2. Society & Culture
3. Arts, Movie & Music
4. Health & Environment
5. History, Life & Religion
1. Politics & Economics
becoming rich
by breaking rule (1),big shrink back (1),boiling point (1),China 1911 Revolution(1),conflict negotiation (1),Democracy is process (1),Eastern Europe Revolution (1),economic foam blow up demonstrations (1),erupt large-scale conflict (1),financial elites (1),financialization of America (1),French Revolution (1),idle about reform (1),Industrial Revolution(1),Jasmine Revolution (1),method to intercept (1),New Economic Revolution (1),polarization of developing financial
industry (1),Populace deliver grievances (1),pressure test (1),reciprocal society responsibility (1),status quo (1),structure and mechanism (1),through derivation tools undergoing
excessive loan and speculation (1),trickle down (1),Occupy Wall Street (1), 1949 in Mainland China (4), communistic and democratic movement (4),communistic and democratic sphere (4), Democratic development (4),economic city (4),British Colonial rule (4),Hong Kong handed over (3),White-Haired Heroin (4), war about trade and opium (4), left wing school (4), Nanking Treaty (4), Adam Curle (6), conflict is
progression (6), dynamic process (6), Fukushima disaster (6), radioactivity debris contaminate (6), earthquake and tsunami (6), reactors (6), nuclear energy (6), Chernobyl plant (6), global commission (6), financial aid (6), lack of transparency (6), FDA (6), radioactive
contamination (6), decommission nuclear submarines
(6), summit G8 (6), responsive & adaptive capacity (6), economic penetration (6), Veolia Water (6), radioactive water (6), retiring regulators (6), Meiji Ishin (6), 4-years-education
(7), Advertisers’ marketing
(7), advocacy (7), agency recruiter
(7), amiable (7), anticipated job
(7), application requirement
(7), as taken (7), basic skills
(7), blinds grope elephant
(7), Blog forum (7), candidate
(7), capitalism (7), comments at discussion zone
(7), contemporary society
(7), corruption and embezzlement
(7), direct economic Supply-Demand theory
(7), economic downturn
(7), economic downturn’s day
(7), Education and economic relation
(7), education and economic relation
(7), education trends to Open development
(7), email address (7), employer
(7), enrolled University and chose Major
(7), existing internal training
(7), failure (7), forum
(7), graduated from university
(7), hiring game (7), HR officer
(7), immediate intelligence world
(7), Impractical Experience
(7), Insider (7), inter-discipline
(7), inter-industry
(7), internal training
(7), inter-profession
(7), IT and Computer industries
(7), Job-Market fuzzy area
(7), Job-Seekers (7), labels and standards
(7), lack of economic dynamic society
2. Society & Culture
admires of
vision (2),beautiful future (2),desirable trait (2),Humans is Progressive (2),inborn disadvantage (2),interpersonal relation (2),mature character (2),Science is Enlighten (2),surface judgment (2),understand life (2),undesirable trait (2),inborn advantage (2), life attitude(7),
Mechanism(7), mechanism(7),
Microsoft(7), motivation driven by education or by
economic origin(7), near-candidates(7),
New Intelligence Age(7), Norm(7),.
open or no-government(7), parable story(7),
pay big price for(7), Perceived Job-Market(7),
phenomenon(7), play more active role(7),
plus and minus scores(7), popularize(7),
presumption(7), process is serious(7),
RAIHA(7), Real openings(7),
Recruit@ In-house Academy(7),Recruit@In-house Academy(7),
Red Tail to iBook(7), reduce fuzziness(7),
regular people(7), regular people(7),
Regular Talented Competition(7), research topic(7),
seeing Low point not the Lowest days(7),
Self-made Textbook - iBook(7), Social Hierarchy(7),
society perception(7), Splendid(7),
standard(7), starting point(7),
successful(7), Survey-style Time-consuming
Application form(7), threshold(7),
threshold(7), Major Subject(7),
too High, not easy to find jobs, too Low, employer no interest(7),
unnecessary fizziness(7), unwritten and unreasonable stipulation(7),
value(7), what you want I give what(7),
who is first – chicken or egg(7),
3. Arts, Movie & Music
Colonial rule (4),ballet(4),ballroom dance (4),behavior(4),bounce up (4),costume(4),costume dance (4), Democratic development (4),economic city (4),dance coup (4),dedicated performance (4),director(4),ecstasy(4),factions origin (4),fascinated in chasing (4),folk dance (4),freedom and innovation (4),fundamental training (4),Fundamental training (4),fusion (4),gain and lose (4), Hong Kong handed over (4),inexplicably excited (4),innovation and inspiration source (4), left wing school (4),lift us to ecstasy (4),lighting(4),limbs(4),make-up efforts (4),mechanical(4),modern dance (4), Nanking Treaty (4),orchestra(4),plagiarism(4),religion(4),sketch muscle (4),stage design (4),structure the atmosphere (4),tendon(4),threshold(4),tradition(4),undermined streams (4),White-Haired Heroin (4), war about trade and opium (4)
4. Health & Environment
Process-structure (5), dynamic circles (5), Fukushima 1 (5), paradox (5), controversy (5), magnitude 9 earthquake (5), tsunami (5), piles of potassium ioidoxide (5), renewable energy (5), Atomic Energy Basic Law (5), peaceful purposes (5), UK's GEC (5), Light Water Reactors (5), Westinghouse (5), atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki cozy bureaucratic collusion (5), notorious (5), resistance to new plants (5), Nested Theory (5), conflict resolution and peace building (5), imperialism vs anti-war (5), conservative party vs liberal party (5), World War II (5), atomic bombs (5), disallow armament (5), Hatred and humiliation (5), controversy from the ordinary (5), socio-economic influential politicians (5), industrialists (5), entrepreneurs (5), fundamental and patriotic (5), policy of nuclear power (5), secure regional safe (5), by balance power at Pacific, Austrian ZAMG (3),cooling seawater (3),covered up the truth (3),earthquake(3),French IRSN (3),Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster (3),Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant (3),Goiânia accident (3),Greenpeace(3),Lucens reactor (3),mSv/h(3),no-man's-land(3),nuclear emission (3),Radiation threatens human life (3),radioactive materials (3),reactors meltdowns (3),Russia Chernobyl (3),similar precedent (3),spent fuel pools expose (3),TBq of iodine (3),TEPCO(3),Three Mile Island (3),Tōhoku earthquake (3),Tsunami(3),Wall Street Journal (3)