"Pacific Flavour"...How different fate between Japan Fukushima and Russia Chernobyl disaster, Part I - Critics Roam Today (newspaper)

(3) "Pacific Flavour"...How different fate between Japan Fukushima and Russia Chernobyl disaster, Part I - Critics Roam Today (newspaper)

Overview the "Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster", is a series of equipment failures, "reactors meltdowns", and releases of "radioactive materials" at the "Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant", following the 9.0 magnitude "Tōhoku earthquake" and tsunami on 11 Mar 2011. It is the largest nuclear accident since the "Russia Chernobyl disaster", but more complex as multiple reactors meltdown & "spent fuel pools expose" involved.  The plant comprises 6 separate boiling water reactors maintained by the Tokyo Electric Power Company ("TEPCO"). The plant was protected by a seawall designed to withstand a 5.7 m (19 ft) tsunami but not the 15 m (49 ft) maximum wave which arrived about 47 minutes after the "earthquake". The entire plant was flooded, including low-lying generators and electrical switchgear in reactor basements and external pumps for supplying "cooling seawater". The connection to the electrical grid was broken as Tsunami destroyed the power lines. All power for cooling was lost and reactors started to overheat,worsely the cooling effect water leaking & approach 3 mths into sea.

"Radiation threatens human life", alerts every nation every person, constitutes crisis, point of conflict; negotiation & collaboration needed.

Several parties disputed the Japanese government classifications, arguing that the situation was more severe than they were admitting at the time. The "Wall Street Journal" stated that Japan's "NISA" would make any decision on raising the level. They gave INES level 6 to the Kyshtym disaster (Soviet Union, 1957); level 7 to "Chernobyl (Soviet Union, 1986)", yet nearby area at accidental Chernobyl, declared no-man's-land; while Fukushima, towns found at 60 to 70 kilometers away.  They also gave level 5 to the Windscale fire (United Kingdom, 1957); the "Lucens reactor" (Switzerland, 1969); "Three Mile Island" (United States, 1979); and the "Goiânia accident" (Brazil, 1987). Finally on 24 March, a scientific consultant for noted anti-nuclear environmental group Greenpeace, working with data from the "Austrian ZAMG" and "French IRSN", prepared an analysis in which he rated the total Fukushima accident at INES level 7.   Until 24 March, the accident might have emitted 30,000 to 110,000 "TBq of iodine"-131.  The highest reported radiation dose rate outside was 1000 "mSv/h" on 16 March.

Has Japan Government & Plant heads "covered up the truth" ?This question doubts all. People worry and wonder how far such "nuclear emission" impact their life and what remedy should rush, unfortunately, there lacks of "comprehensive & trustful research and data", reality shows no "similar precedent".  All nations alert to immediately work something together to layout the issue, find the truth, set the goal, initiate negotiation & invoke change for inviting resolution proposals, by short & long term strategy and planning measures. (to be continued next.....)

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article written by kwc Mak, critics blogger, 10/27/2011,USA
http://criticsroamtoday-cap.blogspot.com; http://www.youtube.com/user/capplaylist

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Critics Roam Today (newspaper) - Kiosk"

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